Press and Editorial Features

We live in a visual world. I feel so lucky that what i create is so widely used for so many magazines and visual projects form music to film to artistic expressions. Here I try to update regularly where my designs appear.

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Jessica Miller wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev vegan sculpture harness mini ring bra

Jessica Miller wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev

The absolutely stunning and one of my best friends the incredible Jessica Miller came to visit my atelier when on tour in London. So happy we got to catch up and reminisce about all the great moments we have shared around the world. Of course we played dress up trying on some of my new favourite pieces and I was lucky enough to photograph her in these looks.. A very nerve racking experience. As one of the greatest supermodels Jessi has been photographed by all of the greatest photographers of our time. I love these images. 
HauntedeMag featuring Jivomir Domoustchiev Photographed byGreg Kadel

HauntedeMag featuring Jivomir Domoustchiev Photographed byGreg Kadel

Legendary photographer Greg Kadel Captures these stunning images for HauntedMag styled by Joanne Blades staring Liz Kennedy featuring my Vegan Vinyl Sculpture Half Harness and Exaggerated Cuff Gauntlets @jivomirdomoustchiev available in all the stunning colours we offer made to order only from our collection page
IamAnetra 😻 wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev on RuPaul's Drag Race

IamAnetra 😻 wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev on RuPaul's Drag Race

IamAnetra Slaying RuPaul's Drag Race wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev 'The💙Set' and Glove Cuffs and Multi Ring Collar in Clear Blue
Steff London wearing custom Jivomir Domoustchiev vegan harness multi belt and cuffs

SteffLon Don wearing custom Jivomir Domoustchiev

The gorgeous Steff London once again wearing my custom pieces for the live performance.  Steff Previously wore my Reimagineeverything sculpture dress for her Toxic Love video. Here choosing a custom Multi Ring Harness matched with Cuffs and custom symmetrical Multi Buckle Belt all available via our collections page in any of our stunning colours we offer.
Olli Appleyard wearing Pure Sculpture Asymmetric Jivomir Domoustchiev Jacket

Olli Appleyard wearing Pure Sculpture Asymmetric Jivomir Domoustchiev Jacket

Love how incredible this looks Olli Appleyard wearing custom two tone asymmetric sculpture jacket for the video of the new track Courtney, Just Relax . Keep an eye out for this incredible artist.
Julien McDonald X Jivomir Domoustchiev London Fashion Week Collaboration vegan future fashion

Julien McDonald X Jivomir Domoustchiev London Fashion Week Collaboration

My collaboration with Julien McDonald x Jivomir Domoustchiev AW 2023 London Fashion Week catwalk show. A new range of my signature Jivomir Domoustchiev vegan vinyl accessories to complement Julien's collection. 
Tosca Rivola wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev clear vegan set for Playboy Magazine

Tosca Rivola wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev for Playboy Magazine

Wow how gorgeous Tosca looking absolutely stunning in my fully transparent Sculpture Bustier Multi Ring Collar and Chain Back Thong in vegan vinyl in the new Playboy CZ

Collectible Dry Magazine featuring Jivomir Domoustchiev

Collectible Dry Magazine featuring Jivomir Domoustchiev

Stunning editorial feature of my Jivomir Domoustchiev pieces for Collectible Dry Magazine styled by the incredible Sayuri Bloom these stunning images are beauty.
Merde Magazine X Jivomir Domoustchiev Metaverse Fashion Week

Merde Magazine X Jivomir Domoustchiev Metaverse Fashion Week

Jivomir Domoustchiev’s first wearable collection of digital garments, his collectible creations will soon be available to wear within your chosen game or metaverse. Sold as NFT, they will allow the collector special access into the mind and world of Jivomir Domoustchiev Fashion Art and Design. He collaborated on this project with 3D fashion creator, Marina Gryzdova who interpreted his signature physical and digital designs by cutting 2D patterns into fully wearable 3D garments. Jenn Leung translated Jivomir’s idea into a 3D landscape. They pushed the envelope further by embedding the avatars skin with Jivomir’s previous NFT artwork (featured in MERDE VI - Archival Ephemera) as a form of tattoo art. Special thanks to Corpus Milner for the music used 'Pagan Spoilt'.
Dnevnik Platform Bulgaria x Jivomir Domoustchiev Interview

Dnevnik Platform Bulgaria x Jivomir Domoustchiev Interview

Дрехите на българския дизайнер Живомир Домусчиев не могат да бъдат подминати. Техният футуристичен вид и нестандартни форми, вдъхновени от дизайна на коли и направени от PVC материали, представляват своеобразни модни скулптури. Затова и неслучайно екстравагантни изпълнителки като Лейди Гага, Ники Минаж и Дженифър Лопес ги обличат в техни клипове.

For my Bulgarian followers you can watch in depth interview with Sirma Petkova for Remix BG. Let me know what you think


Tiggi Hawke wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev

Tiggi Hawke wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev

The mesmerising Tiggi Hawke wearing our archive Jivomir Domoustchiev Half Sculpture Dress for her V838 music video out now. The video is styled by Adele Cany Our Half Sculpture dress was first released as part of our SS18 Visions Of Tomorrow collection
Jivomir Domoustchiev digital metaverse wearable nft collection x Playground App x Red Eye Metazine

Jivomir Domoustchiev x Playground App x Red Eye Metazine

Wow how amazing to be a featured artists for the launch of Playground app x Red Eye Metazine. The first magazine living within the metaverse. You can enter and view the exhibition here with or without VR goggles.  Red Eye Metazine