Press and Editorial Features

We live in a visual world. I feel so lucky that what i create is so widely Loved by so many magazines and visual projects from music to film to artistic expressions. Here I try to update regularly where my designs appear.

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Dixie D'Amelio ❤️ wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev Multi Buckle Full Robo Leg Belts Harness for her 'One Whole Day"  music video and single artwork

Dixie D'Amelio ❤️ wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev Multi Buckle Full Robo Leg Belts Harness for her 'One Whole Day" music video and single artwork

The stunning Dixie D'Amelio ❤️ recording artist wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev Multi Buckle Harness Belt hand crafted in vegan vinyl for the artwork of her "One Whole Day' single featuring Wz Kalifa and styled by the wonderful Mimi Cuttrell.The stunning Dixie D'Amelio ❤️ recording artist wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev Multi Buckle Harness Belt for the artwork of her "One Whole Day' single featuring Wz Kalifa and styled by the wonderful Mimi Cuttrell.The stunning Dixie D'Amelio ❤️ recording artist wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev Multi Buckle Harness Belt for the artwork of her "One Whole Day' single featuring Wz Kalifa and styled by the wonderful Mimi Cuttrell.
Alice Glass wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev Nightmares video

Alice Glass wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev Nightmares video

The incredible Alice Glass wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev black vegan vinyl sculpture belt and matching collar for her new groundbreaking music video for 'Nightmares'
L'Official Lithuania featuring Jivomir Domoustchiev black half sculpture dress

L'Official Lithuania featuring Jivomir Domoustchiev black half sculpture dress

Thank you to stylist Andrea de Saint Andrieu for my editorial feature in L'Official Lithuaina. The black half sculpture dress is available to order from a selection. Please for...
Kirstie Fleck Singer with IsTropical as the face of Jivomir Domoustchiev accessories line

Kirstie Fleck Singer with IsTropical as the face of Jivomir Domoustchiev accessories line

"Having worked with Kirstie over last few years on many creative projects including styling a few of their music videos,  it was only natural that she would be the face...