Press and Editorial Features
We live in a visual world. I feel so lucky that what i create is so widely Loved by so many magazines and visual projects from music to film to artistic expressions. Here I try to update regularly where my designs appear.
Kylie Minogue wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev for Beat magazine
Leila Ben Khalifa shuts down Soho New York in custom Jivomir Domoustchiev
Wendy Bevan wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev for Harper Bazaar Italia
Time Out Cover x ConfidenceMan x Jivomir Domoustchiev
Chen Hao Yu 陳昊宇 wearing custom Jivomir Domoustchiev Harpers Bazzar China
LOVE Chen Hao Yu 陳昊宇 wearing custom Jivomir Domoustchiev Harpers Bazzar China. Chen Hao Yu is a Chinese Actress and Singer gracing the cover of Harpers in my Clear Galaxy Sculpture Coat Dress. These stunning images are photographed by the legendary Sun Jun with styling by Fred Su.
This is one of my absolutely favourite designs which is available to order in any of the stunning colours we offer.
Simply Miriam Veil x Jivomir Domoustchiev
Chad Curry as Nosferatu at The Mandrake Hotel in London Halloween Special wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev
Tiggi Hawke wearing our Half and Half Star Glitter coat for her album cover artwork
Outfit Meme Prompts on X Reimagine Jivomir Domoustchiev Half Body Armour
Woke up to this, how wonderful to have so many brilliant artists reimagine and interpret my design in a medium i love which is Illustration. Thankyou OCOutfits on Twitter for the challenge, I love them all sooo much. The Half Body Armour is again one of my favourite designs, it stems from my obsession with asymmetry and symmetry. My mind flips endlessly between one or the other unconsciously and unexpectedly. I love both... As always this incredible piece is available to order via our home and collections pages.
Julien McDonald X Jivomir Domoustchiev London Fashion Week Collaboration
Dnevnik Platform Bulgaria x Jivomir Domoustchiev Interview
Дрехите на българския дизайнер Живомир Домусчиев не могат да бъдат подминати. Техният футуристичен вид и нестандартни форми, вдъхновени от дизайна на коли и направени от PVC материали, представляват своеобразни модни скулптури. Затова и неслучайно екстравагантни изпълнителки като Лейди Гага, Ники Минаж и Дженифър Лопес ги обличат в техни клипове.
For my Bulgarian followers you can watch in depth interview with Sirma Petkova for Remix BG. Let me know what you think