Press and Editorial Features
We live in a visual world. I feel so lucky that what i create is so widely used for so many magazines and visual projects form music to film to artistic expressions. Here I try to update regularly where my designs appear.
Jessica Miller wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev
HauntedeMag featuring Jivomir Domoustchiev Photographed byGreg Kadel
SteffLon Don wearing custom Jivomir Domoustchiev
Tosca Rivola wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev for Playboy Magazine
Wow how gorgeous Tosca looking absolutely stunning in my fully transparent Sculpture Bustier Multi Ring Collar and Chain Back Thong in vegan vinyl in the new Playboy CZ
Merde Magazine X Jivomir Domoustchiev Metaverse Fashion Week
Showstudio X Jivomir Domoustchiev Metaverse Feature
How wonderful to have my favourite platform feature my lates collection Ghost Stories shown at London Fashion Week exploring our future and fashion's evolving relationship between physical and digital worlds and how i have chosen to embrace and interpret an evolving expression of my signature approach to sculpture modernity and non conformity of aesthetic.
Dnevnik Platform Bulgaria x Jivomir Domoustchiev Interview
Дрехите на българския дизайнер Живомир Домусчиев не могат да бъдат подминати. Техният футуристичен вид и нестандартни форми, вдъхновени от дизайна на коли и направени от PVC материали, представляват своеобразни модни скулптури. Затова и неслучайно екстравагантни изпълнителки като Лейди Гага, Ники Минаж и Дженифър Лопес ги обличат в техни клипове.
For my Bulgarian followers you can watch in depth interview with Sirma Petkova for Remix BG. Let me know what you think
Tiggi Hawke wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev
VisualAtelier8 x Jivomir Domoustchiev x A T Wilkinson Interview
Jivomir Domoustchiev x Playground App x Red Eye Metazine
London Fashion Week Dr Noki Show x Jivomir Domoustchiev
Agnez Mo wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev ShapeShifter Bubble Coat 'Patience' Music video
Absolutely Gorgeous Agnez Mo ❤️🔥 wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev ShapeShifter Bubble Coat in fire patent red for her 'Patience' Music video out now styled by Joey Thao