Grateful for the continued support by  Collectible Dry Magazine for there issue 8  Glam Punk revival styled by the wonderful Sayuri Bloom featuring my Jivomir Domoustchiev archive multi ring harnesses and Sculpture vinyl jackets...Jivomir Domoustchiev multi ring harness + vinyl sculpture jacketAll Jivomir Domoustchiev multi ring harnesses + tassel vinyl dress + sculpture jacket available to order

Jivomir Domoustchiev vinyl sculpture braJivomir Domoustchiev sculpture vinyl bra from a selection available in a variety of collectible colours pls visit the shop section of this website...Jivomir Domoustchiev Black tassel vinyl dress + vinyl sculpture jacket

Special thanks to :

Collectible Dry Magazine

Styling Sayuri Bloom

Photography Domen Van De Velde

Hair & Makeup Yvonne Nusdorfer

All other cloths featured Vien Atelier