Press and Editorial Features

We live in a visual world. I feel so lucky that what i create is so widely used for so many magazines and visual projects form music to film to artistic expressions. Here I try to update regularly where my designs appear.

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Jivomir Domoustchiev Live TV interview Before Lunch

Jivomir Domoustchiev Live TV interview Before Lunch

Who saw my live TV interview on Bulgarian TV premier morning show before lunchtime. interview by Zara Pop Dimitrova about my career so far. Jivomir Domoustchiev Avant Garde Designer
Dnevnik Platform Bulgaria x Jivomir Domoustchiev Interview

Dnevnik Platform Bulgaria x Jivomir Domoustchiev Interview

Дрехите на българския дизайнер Живомир Домусчиев не могат да бъдат подминати. Техният футуристичен вид и нестандартни форми, вдъхновени от дизайна на коли и направени от PVC материали, представляват своеобразни модни скулптури. Затова и неслучайно екстравагантни изпълнителки като Лейди Гага, Ники Минаж и Дженифър Лопес ги обличат в техни клипове.

For my Bulgarian followers you can watch in depth interview with Sirma Petkova for Remix BG. Let me know what you think


Nicki Minaj World tour wearing  Jivomir Domoustchiev custom metallic skirt and bustier

Nicki Minaj World tour wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev custom metallic skirt and bustier

Queen Nicki Minaj in custom Jivomir Domoustchiev chrome skirt and bustier live on stage 2019 world tour styling Anna Trevelyan
 Nicki Minaj 'NoFrauds' video wearing custom Jivomir Domoustchiev Red Dress

Nicki Minaj 'NoFrauds' video wearing custom Jivomir Domoustchiev Red Dress

Nicki Minaj NoFrauds Video wearing Jivomir Domoustchiev custom red vegan vinyl dress..  Styled by Maher Jridi, featuring Drake & Lil Wayne, directed by Benny Boom. 'So great to be asked...
Nicki Minaj wearing bespoke Jivomir Domoustchiev Red Sculpture flower dress behind the scenes No Frauds video

Nicki Minaj wearing bespoke Jivomir Domoustchiev

Nicki Minaj wearing a bespoke little red dress created for her visit to London.  Thank you for the love and support ....